Leader of Narcotics Trafficking Network
| 2C:35-3
| 1ST
| "within the jurisdiction of this court, (1) in a scheme or course of conduct to unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, bring into or transport in this State (2) , specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-3 (A First Degree Crime). (1) a. conspire with two or more other persons as a financier b. organize, supervise, or manage at least one other person (2) a. methamphetamine (or its analog) b. lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (or its analog) c. phencyclidine (PCP) (or its analog) d. gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) (or its analog) f. flunitrazepam (or its analog) g. (name of CDS), a Schedule I controlled dangerous substance (or its analog) h. (name of CDS), a Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (or its analog)" |
Maintaining or Operating a Controlled Dangerous Substance Production Facility
| 2C:35-4
| 1ST
| "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly (1) a premises, place or facility used for the manufacture of (2) , specifically by __________ in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-4 (A First Degree Crime). (1) a. operate or maintain b. aid, promote, finance or otherwise participate in the maintenance or operation of (2) a. methamphetamine (or its analog) b. lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (or its analog) c. phencyclidine (PCP) (or its analog) d. gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) (or its analog) f. flunitrazepam (or its analog) g. marijuana in an amount greater than five pounds or 10 plants h. (name of CDS), a Schedule I controlled dangerous substance (or its analog) i. (name of CDS), a Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (or its analog)" |
Booby Traps in Manufacturing or Distribution Facilities
| 2C:35-4.1b
| 1ST/2ND
| "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly (1) a booby trap on property used for the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, or possession or control with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense controlled dangerous substances, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-4.1b (A (see Grading) Degree Crime). (1) a. assemble b. maintain c. place d. cause to be placed *****A First Degree Crime if the booby trap causes bodily injury to any person. " |
Fortified Premises
| 2C:35-4.1c
| 3RD
| "within the jurisdiction of this court, fortify or maintain in a fortified condition a structure for the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, or possession or control with intent to manufacture, distribute, or dispense controlled dangerous substances, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-4.1c (A Third Degree Crime)." |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing
| 2C:35-5a(1)
| Grading | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2) , specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) and N.J.S. 2C: * (A (see below) Degree Crime). 1. a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to 1a or 1b or 1c 2. a. heroin (or its analog) in a quantity of 5 ounces or more (* 35-5b(1)) First Degree Crime b. cocaine (or its analog) in a quantity of 5 ounces or more (*35-5b(1)) First Degree Crime c. heroin (or its analog) in a quantity of one ½ ounce or more but less than 5 ounces (* 35-5b(2)) Second Degree Crime d. cocaine (or its analog) in a quantity of one ½ ounce or more but less than 5 ounces (* 35-5b(2)) Second Degree Crime e. heroin (or its analog) in a quantity of less than a ½ ounce (* 35-5b(3)) Third Degree Crime f. cocaine (or its analog) in a quantity of less than a ½ ounce (* 35-5b(3)) Third Degree Crime" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing
| 2C:35-5a(2)
| Grading | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely, (1) a counterfeit controlled dangerous substance, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(2) and N.J.S. 2C: * (A (see Grading) Degree Crime). 1. a. create b. distribute c. possess or control with intent to distribute * Insert appropriate statute" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Heroin or Cocaine > 5oz)
| 2C:35-5b(1)
| 1ST | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(1) ) (A First Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. heroin (or its analog) in a quantity of 5 ounces or more b. cocaine (or its analog) in a quantity of 5 ounces or more " |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Heroin or Cocaine 1/2oz - 5oz)
| 2C:35-5b(2)
| 2ND | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(2) (A Second Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. heroin (or its analog) in a quantity of ½ ounce or more, but less than 5 ounces b. cocaine (or its analog) in a quantity of ½ ounce or more, but less than 5 ounces" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Heroin or Cocaine < 1/2oz)
| 2C:35-5b(3) | 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(3) (A Third Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. heroin (or its analog) in a quantity of less than ½ of an ounce b. cocaine (or its analog) in a quantity of less than a ½ of an ounce" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Schedule I or II Narcotic > 1oz)
| 2C:35-5b(4) | 2ND | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(4) (A Second Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. INSERT NAME OF SPECIFIC CDS, a Schedule I narcotic drug (or its analog) in a quantity of 1 ounce or more b. INSERT NAME OF SPECIFIC CDS a Schedule II narcotic drug (or its analog) in a quantity of 1 ounce or more" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Schedule I or II Narcotic < 1oz)
| 2C:35-5b(5) | 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(5) (A Third Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. INSERT NAME OF SPECIFIC CDS, a Schedule I narcotic drug (or its analog) in a quantity of less than 1 ounce b. INSERT NAME OF SPECIFIC CDS a Schedule II narcotic drug (or its analog) in a quantity of less than 1 ounce" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (LSD > 100mg or PCP > 10g)
| 2C:35-5b(6) | 1ST | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(6) (A First Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (or its analog) in a quantity of 100 milligrams or more b. phencyclidine (PCP) (or its analog) in a quantity of 10 grams or more" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (LSD < 100mg or PCP < 10g)
| 2C:35-5b(7) | 2ND | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(7) (A Second Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) (or its analog) in a quantity of less than 100 milligrams b. phencyclidine (PCP) (or its analog) in a quantity of less than 10 grams" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Methamphetamine or P2P > 5oz)
| 2C:35-5b(8) | 1ST | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(8) (A First Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. methamphetamine (or its analog) in a quantity of 5 ounces or more b. phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) (or its analog) in a quantity of 5 ounces or more" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Methamphetamine or P2P 1/2oz - 5oz)
| 2C:35-5b(9)(a)
| 2ND | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(9)(a) (A Second Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. methamphetamine (or its analog) in a quantity of ½ ounce or more but less than 5 ounces b phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) (or its analog) in a quantity of ½ ounce or more but less than 5 ounces" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Methamphetamine or P2P < 1/2oz)
| 2C:35-5b(9)(b) | 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(9)(b) (A Third Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. methamphetamine (or its analog) in a quantity of less than a ½ ounce b. phenyl-2-propanone (P2P) (or its analog) in a quantity of less than a ½ ounce" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Marijuana or Hashish)
| 2C:35-5b(10)(a)
| 1ST | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(10)(a) (A First Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. marijuana in a quantity of 25 pounds or more b. 50 or more marijuana plants c. hashish in a quantity of 5 pounds or more" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Marijuana or Hashish)
| 2C:35-5b(10)(b)
| 2ND | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(10)(b) (A Second Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. marijuana in a quantity of 5 pounds or more but less than 25 pounds b. 10 or more but fewer than 50 marijuana plants c. hashish in a quantity of one pound or more but less than 5 pounds" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Marijuana or Hashish)
| 2C:35-5b(11)
| 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(11) (A Third Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a.marijuana in a quantity of one ounce or more but less than 5 pounds b. hashish in a quantity of 5 grams or more but less than one pound" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Marijuana or Hashish)
| 2C:35-5b(12)
| 4TH | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C:35-5b(12) (A Fourth Degree Crime). (1) a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense (2) a. marijuana in a quantity of less than one ounce b. hashish in a quantity of less than 5 grams" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Schedule I, II, III, IV)
| 2C:35-5b(13)
| 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (2) , specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C: 35-5b(13) (A Third Degree Crime). 1. a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense 2. a. (name of cds), a Schedule I narcotic drug (or its analog) b. (name of cds), a Schedule II narcotic drug (or its analog) c. (name of cds), a Schedule III narcotic drug (or its analog) d. (name of cds), a Schedule IV narcotic drug (or its analog)" |
Manufacturing, Distributing, or Dispensing (Schedule V)
| 2C:35-5b(14)
| 4TH | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely (1) (name of cds), a Schedule V narcotic drug (or its analog), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-5a(1) or (2) and N.J.S. 2C: 35-5b(14) (A Fourth Degree Crime). 1. a. manufacture b. distribute c. dispense d. possess or control with intent to manufacture, distribute or dispense" |
Employing a Juvenile in a Drug Distribution Scheme
| 2C: 35-6
| 2ND | "within the jurisdiction of this court, while being at least 18 years of age, knowingly use, solicit, direct, hire or employ a person 17 years of age or younger to violate (1) , specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-6 (A Second Degree Crime). 1. a. N.J.S. 2C:35-4 b. N.J.S. 2C:35-5a" |
Distribution On or Within 1000 ft of School Property
| 2C: 35-7a
| 2ND | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly distribute, dispense, or possess with intent to distribute a controlled dangerous substance or its analog, (1), specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-7a (A Second Degree Crime). 1. a. while on school property used for school purposes which is owned by or leased to (name of school or school board) b. while within 1,000 feet of school property used for school purposes which is owned by or leased to (name of school or school board) c. while within 1,000 feet of a school bus d. while on a school bus" |
Possession (Sched. I - IV)
| 2C: 35-10a(1)
| 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely obtain or possess, actually or constructively, a controlled dangerous substance or a controlled substance analog classified in Schedule I, II, III or IV that was not obtained directly, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order form from a practitioner, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10a(1) (A Third Degree Crime)." |
Possession (Sched. V)
| 2C: 35-10a(2)
| 4TH | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely obtain or possess, actually or constructively, a controlled dangerous substance or a controlled substance analog classified in Schedule V that was not obtained directly, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order form from a practitioner, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10a(2) (A Fourth Degree Crime)." |
Possession (MJ 6oz+ or Hash 17g+) | 2C: 35-10a(3) | 4TH | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely obtain or possess, actually or constructively, (1) that was not obtained directly, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order form from a practitioner, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10a(3) (A Fourth Degree Crime). (1) a. more than 6 ounces of marijuana b. more than 17 grams of hashish" |
Use or Under the Influence
| 2C: 35-10b | DP | "within the jurisdiction of this court, use or be under the influence of a controlled dangerous substance, or its analog, for a purpose other than the treatment of sickness or injury as lawfully prescribed or administered by a physician, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10b (A Disorderly Persons Offense)." |
Failure to Make Lawful Disposition
| 2C: 35-10c | DP | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly obtain or possess a controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10a and fail to voluntarily deliver that substance to the nearest law enforcement officer, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10c (A Disorderly Persons Offense)." |
Possession GHB
| 2C: 35-10.2a
| 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely obtain or possess gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) that was not obtained directly, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order form from a practitioner, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.2a (A Third Degree Crime)." |
Possession Flunitrazepam
| 2C: 35-10.3a
| 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly or purposely obtain or possess Flunitrazepam that was not obtained directly, or pursuant to a valid prescription or order form from a practitioner, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.3a (A Third Degree Crime)." |
Toxic Chemicals (use)
| 2C: 35-10.4b(1)
| DP | "within the jurisdiction of this court, inhale the fumes of any toxic chemical for the purpose of causing a condition of intoxication, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.4b(1) (A Disorderly Persons Offense)." |
Toxic Chemicals (possess) | 2C: 35-10.4b(2)
| DP | "within the jurisdiction of this court, possess any toxic chemical for the purpose of causing a condition of intoxication, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.4b(2) (A Disorderly Persons Offense)." |
Toxic Chemicals (sell or offer to sell)
| 2C: 35-10.4c
| 4TH | "within the jurisdiction of this court, (1) any substance containing a toxic chemical knowing the intended use of the product was to cause a condition of intoxication, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.4c (A Fourth Degree Crime). 1. a sell b. offer to sell" |
Toxic Chemicals (sell or offer to sell product without additive)
| 2C: 35-10.4c
| 4TH | "within the jurisdiction of this court, (1) any substance containing a toxic chemical knowing the product did not include an additive required by the Commission of the State Department of Health and Senior Services to discourage the inhalation of vapors of the product to cause a condition of intoxication, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.4c (A Fourth Degree Crime). 1. a sell b. offer to sell" |
Prescription Legend Drugs (distribute 4 or fewer dosage units)
| 2C: 35-10.5a(1)
| DP | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly distribute a prescription legend drug or stramonium preparation in an amount of four or fewer dosage units not lawfully prescribed or administered by a licensed physician, veterinarian, dentist or other practitioner authorized by law to prescribe medication, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.5a(1) (A Disorderly Persons Offense)." |
Prescription Legend Drugs (distribute for pecuniary gain)
| 2C: 35-10.5a(2)
| 4TH | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly (1) for pecuniary gain a prescription legend drug or stramonium preparation in an amount of four or fewer dosage units not lawfully prescribed or administered by a licensed physician, veterinarian, dentist or other practitioner authorized by law to prescribe medication, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.5a(2) (A Fourth Degree Crime). 1. a distribute b. possess or have under his control with intent to distribute" |
Prescription Legend Drugs (between 5 – 100 dosage units)
| 2C: 35-10.5a(3)
| 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly (1) a prescription legend drug or stramonium preparation in an amount of at least five but fewer than 100 dosage units not lawfully prescribed or administered by a licensed physician, veterinarian, dentist or other practitioner authorized by law to prescribe medication, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.5a(3) (A Third Degree Crime). 1. a distribute b. possess or have under his control with intent to distribute" |
Prescription Legend Drugs (100 or more dosage units)
| 2C: 35-10.5a(4)
| 2ND | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly (1) a prescription legend drug or stramonium preparation in an amount of 100 or more dosage units not lawfully prescribed or administered by a licensed physician, veterinarian, dentist or other practitioner authorized by law to prescribe medication, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.5a(4) (A Second Degree Crime). 1. a distribute b. possess or have under his control with intent to distribute" |
Prescription Legend Drugs (illegal use)
| 2C: 35-10.5b
| DP | "within the jurisdiction of this court, use a prescription legend drug or stramonium preparation for a purpose other than the treatment of sickness or injury as lawfully prescribed or administered by a licensed physician, veterinarian, dentist or other practitioner authorized by law to prescribe medication, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.5b (A Disorderly Persons Offense)." |
Prescription Legend Drugs (obtain by forgery)
| 2C: 35-10.5d | 4TH | "within the jurisdiction of this court, obtain or attempt to obtain possession of a prescription legend drug or stramonium preparation by forgery or deception, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.5d (A Fourth Degree Offense)." |
Prescription Legend Drugs (possess 4 or fewer dosage units)
| 2C: 35-10.5e(1)
| DP | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly possess, actually or constructively, a prescription legend drug or stramonium preparation in an amount of four or fewer dosage units not lawfully prescribed or administered by a licensed physician, veterinarian, dentist or other practitioner authorized by law to prescribe medication, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.5e(1) (A Disorderly Persons Offense)." |
Prescription Legend Drugs (possess 5 or more dosage units)
| 2C: 35-10.5e(2) | 4TH | "within the jurisdiction of this court, knowingly possess, actually or constructively, a prescription legend drug or stramonium preparation in an amount of five or more dosage units not lawfully prescribed or administered by a licensed physician, veterinarian, dentist or other practitioner authorized by law to prescribe medication, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-10.5e(2) (A Fourth Degree Crime)." |
Imitation Controlled Dangerous Substance (distribute)
| 2C: 35-11a(1)
| 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, (1) a substance which is not a controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog upon the express or implied representation to the recipient that the substance is a controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-11a(1) (A Third Degree Crime). 1. a distribute b. possess or have under his control with intent to distribute" |
Imitation Controlled Dangerous Substance (distribute)
| 2C: 35-11a(2) | 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, (1) a substance which is not a controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog upon the express or implied representation to the recipient that the substance is of such nature, appearance or effect that the recipient will be able to distribute or use the substance as a controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-11a(2) (A Third Degree Crime). 1. a distribute b. possess or have under his control with intent to distribute" |
Imitation Controlled Dangerous Substance (distribute)
| 2C: 35-11a(3) | 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, (1) a substance which is not a controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog under circumstances which would lead a reasonable person to believe that the substance is a controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog., specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-11a(3) (A Third Degree Crime). 1. a distribute b. possess or have under his control with intent to distribute" |
Imitation Controlled Dangerous Substance | 2C: 35-11b | 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, manufacture, compound, encapsulate, package or imprint any substance which is not a controlled dangerous substance, controlled substance analog or any combination of such substances, other than a prescription drug, with the purpose that it resemble or duplicate the physical appearance of the finished form, package, label or imprint of a controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-11b (A Third Degree Crime)." |
Obtaining by Fraud
| 2C: 35-13
| 3RD | "within the jurisdiction of this court, acquire or obtain possession of a controlled dangerous substance or controlled substance analog by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, deception or subterfuge, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-13 (A Third Degree Crime)." |
Possession of Certain Prescription Drugs (in other than prescribed container)
| 2C: 35-24
| DP | "within the jurisdiction of this court, possess a controlled dangerous substance that was prescribed or dispensed lawfully in a container other than the one it was dispensed in excess of a 10-day supply, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-24 (A Disorderly Persons Offense)." |
Possession of Certain Prescription Drugs (in other than prescribed container)
| 2C: 35-24
| DP | "within the jurisdiction of this court, possess a controlled dangerous substance that was prescribed or dispensed lawfully in a container other than the one it was dispensed in excess of a 10-day supply, specifically by in violation of N.J.S. 2C:35-24 (A Disorderly Persons Offense)." |